Welcome to The Grid Community
We are dedicated to shaping the future of Smart Grid technology.
We offer a free platform for members to share their knowledge and expertise, collaborate on Smart Grid projects, and stay up-to-date with the latest developments in the industry.
By joining The Grid, you will have access to
A professional network of experts working on Smart Grid products
Opportunities to collaborate on real-world Smart Grid projects
Exclusive content and resources on Smart Grid development
E01: DSR Unleashed: Myenergi's Innovative Demand Side Response Pilot Project
Speaker: James Kitching - Innovation Trials Manager at Myenergi
E02: From Blueprint to Sustainability: Harnessing Digital Simulations of New Build Homes
Speaker: James Major - CEO at Hubb.pro
E03: Managing the uncertainty in demand-side response
Speaker: Diya Achi - R&D in Digital Energy Solutions at CSEM
E04: Enabling energy innovation testing across the whole system
Speaker: David Wyatt - Simulation Lead at Energy Systems Catapult
Why create this community?
There are a lot of individual efforts to make Smart Grids a reality. We would like to bring these together and boost the process by sharing real-life projects by professionals around the globe.
A lot of talk and little action in the industry. We missed a pragmatic approach that focuses on solutions that are already in place and working well towards the main goal. Leveraging renewable energy with more conscious consumption.
Our company, among with other innovative professionals, have experiences and projects that deserves a platform where they can be shared.
How does it work?
As an accepted member you’ll be able to join to:
Share and discuss any projects or industry updates
Monthly events covering real-world Smart Grid projects
Exclusive content and resources on the most important topics